'3-Phase Cellular Cleanup'....

That ERASES Years Of Toxin Damage And REVIVES Your Natural Energy In Less Than 28 Days!

Proven Clinical Detox - Over 90% Success Rate Join 10,000+ Satisfied Customers Who Have Reclaimed the Energy and Vitality of Their 20s.

How Do You Know If Your Body Needs a Detox?

If you're suffering from any of the following health symptoms more than ONCE a week, then you're the perfect candidate for a full-body flush...

Metabolic Resistance

  • Stubborn weight gain

  • Insulin resistance

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Slow metabolism

  • Sugar cravings

Digestive Issues

  • Chronic bloating

  • Frequent constipation

  • IBS

  • Acid reflux

  • Diarrhea

Hormone Imbalances

  • Mood swings

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches/dizziness

  • Low libido

  • Weight fluctuations

Autoimmune Disorders

  • Joint pain

  • Chronic inflammation

  • Unexplained rashes

  • Frequent infections

  • Daily fatigue

Dealing with even one of these symptoms means you’ve hit your ‘Toxic Load.’

Toxic load is the buildup of harmful chemicals and toxins your body collects over time from the environment, the foods you eat, stress, and more.

When these symptoms persist, it’s your body’s desperate cry for help, signaling that your nervous system is suffering...

This toxic invasion cripples your body, leaving your vital organs gasping for breath, as if they’re on life support.

These foreign toxins need flushed immediately.

Scientists have found that this toxic buildup is the main culprit behind cellular aging, turning back the clock on your body’s health...

This process is called ' cellular senescence'.

The problem with senescent cells are that they don't die off...


They float around, releasing chemicals that trigger inflammation in the body.

Even a tiny amount of senescent cells can spread inflammation that damages healthy, neighboring cells.

As more healthy cells die, your immune system becomes compromised.

Making it less efficient at fighting off illness, withstanding stress, or recovering from wounds and injuries. This cellular aging process can lead to cognitive decline, heart disease, low kidney function, and many more chronic illnesses.

So, the question becomes...

How long does this cellular aging process take?

Well, chronic, low-level toxic overload can silently sabotage your health for weeks, months, or even years before you realize the internal damage.

At that point, it's probably too late to address the damage, naturally.

So, if you're experiencing even mild symptoms from this list on a weekly basis...

It's critical to prevent inflammatory damage, now.

This is NOT to scare you...

But without early detection and intervention, you’re looking at a future filled with medications, antibiotics, and advanced medical treatments to combat the damage.

Probably not what you want, right?

The good news is after years of research, trial & error, and over 10,000+ successful flush cases...

We've found the best way to heal damaged cells and rebalance your immune system without medical intervention. Using a specific, 3-phase clinical detox protocol that pulls toxins from the damaged cell...

Swiftly transfers them to your 3 major detox pathways: the liver, kidney, and gut...

Then releases & eliminates toxins and waste to restore, revive, and heal every cell and organ in your body. If you follow these 3-phases, life-changing, symptom free results will follow. Now, this is NOT your typical cleanse, or detox...

It's science-backed, proven to repair, heal, and rebalance your entire body.

So that means we're not going to ask you to sweat it out, drink kale smoothies for every meal, or meditate to heal emotionally.

There are dozens of 'pinterest' detoxes on the market, this ain't one...

The Flush is a clinically proven detox system that gently sweeps out toxic overload, releases damaged cells, and purges years of harmful chemicals, all in just a few weeks and on your own terms.

You CANNOT find this process anywhere else.

We've created this with world-class scientists, nutritionists, and functional medicine doctors.

So when we tell you that nothing is more powerful in cleansing your body of toxic overload, we guarantee it.

Here's The BEST Science-Based Protocol We've Discovered Over The Past 10 Years That Cleanses & Heals Your Body From the Inside Out


You will be prescribed an anti-inflammatory meal-plan based around medical grade proteins, superfoods, greens, and fruit..


You'll be prescribed medical-grade supplements to address your exact symptoms...


You'll be introduced to stress-reducing techniques, and strategies that lower cortisol & daily stressors - giving your body time to absorb the nutrients and heal.

We do NOT advise strenuous activity during the Flush

We want to give your body a chance to heal. Focus on rejuvenating exercise to promote blood circulation...

High Intensity

  • Hot yoga

  • CrossFit

  • HIIT

  • Heavy lifting

Restorative Exercise (Good)

  • Walking

  • Yoga

  • Hiking

  • Pilates

This protocol is designed to work for everyone, no matter your age, health condition, or current symptoms...

In about 5-10 days, you'll start to feel refreshed and rebalanced - with many experiencing symptom relief in just a few days after starting.

I don't ever have to worry about counting calories ever again.

I don't feel the need to kill myself at the gym 6 days a week anymore because I look better than I could even imagine, and feel better too! I don't ever have to worry about counting calories ever again, because I can feel my metabolism on fire! The food freedom I now have is so crucial, I can enjoy these things now without having to worry about having stomach issues for the next few days after. I feel happy, energized, and strong again.

— Kirklyn M.

I do not feel exhausted ever.

I feel like I have more energy that ever before. My metabolism is higher than ever. I can eat whatever I want without worrying about my stomach blowing up.

I'm just forever grateful for the systems & processes that lead me to get here. I really learned that you need to listen to your body, because it's not normal to wake up and feel bloated. I learned so much and have a toolkit that I will be able to bring with me for the rest of my life.

— Chloe

If You Want To Change Your Life On A Cellular Level...

You Need To Give Your Body Time To HEAL...

So you can enjoy a life where chronic symptoms like fatigue, joint pain, and inflammation are significantly reduced...

If you want to have to follow it EXACTLY as it's designed... Or it won't work.

But, if you do...

Everyone, no matter your age, health condition, or symptoms severity can start feeling refreshed, rebalanced, and symptom relief in just a few days after starting their protocol.

🢃 Here's exactly how it works 🢃

Introducing The Flush

3-Phase Clinical Detox To Flush Toxic Waste, Reduce Inflammation,
Restore Damaged Cells To Ease Symptoms, Heal Your Gut & Rebalance Your Body - Giving You A Clean Slate For A Healthier Future.

The cellular clean-up protocol is explained below. If you follow each phase of the flush, without fail, you'll experience a full-body reset that helps you start feeling better in just days! Here's exactly what to expect.

Pre-Phase (Prep)

Flush Preparation

In the prep stage, Vince Pitstick guides you through every step, and detail you need to become your own health advocate during this process. Don't worry, our coaches are with you every step of the way!

Once you're in, here's how it looks:

You'll start by watching a series of short 2-5 minute videos with exact instructions on how to begin your flush, quick, and easy - starting the same day.

Next, you'll complete our root-cause assessment to determine your severity grade. Within just 5-10 minutes, you'll receive your personalized protocol.

Then, with protocol in hand, we'll walk you through a set of short videos (10-15 minutes total) detailing what to expect during the process, realistic results, and your exact roadmap for successful healing.

Prep takes about 20-30 minutes, and leaves you with zero guesswork, making it as simple as possible for you to start your flush with confidence.

Phase 1

Cellular Biotransformation

In this first phase, we're gently introducing your body to the flush protocol. You'll ease into the healing process with severity-based meal plans, medical grade supplements, and lifestyle habits.

We're focusing on primarily a Mediterranean based foods. Which means anti-inflammatory, gut-friendly meals that are full of color, easy-to-digest, reduce bloating, and kickstart your metabolism.

When you follow your specific, severity-based program your vital organs, especially your liver, shift into high gear. Your body begins to identify harmful, swollen toxins that have been clinging to your cells, tissues, organs, and roaming free in the blood.

Your body then pulls toxins from the cell, transporting them to the major detox pathways.

Phase 2

Cellular Conjugation

In phase 2, your body begins to upregulate your major detox pathways: the gut, kidneys, and liver as they prepare to release toxins.

During this process, your body uses enzymes to pair damaged toxins with 'detox' friendly molecules so your body can excrete it safely. This turns stubborn, fat-soluble toxins, into easy-to-flush water-soluble toxins. Giving your detox pathways an easy way to detox, and eliminate these bad toxins.

Your flush protocol is CRITICAL to ensure your body can successfully turn fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins. This second phase is where traditional cleanses & detoxes fail because they don't fully mitigate damage & inflammation within the body.

If you're not following the protocol, step-by-step to help your body reduce cortisol, stress, and inflammation - your body gets 'backed up' slowing the cleansing process, making it almost impossible to release harmful toxins.

Phase 3

Toxin Excretion

Phase 3 is about your body successfully releasing toxins from your body.

Since you've been following your severity-based, anti-inflammatory meal plan and medical-grade supplement protocol - your body's major detox pathways, the gut, kidneys, and liver are primed to flush toxins at a rapid pace.

These pathways then filter harmful toxins and waste out of the blood, and eliminate them through your urine, feces, sweat, and even your breath.

It's your body's natural way of saying goodbye to the bad stuff - and replacing it with the good.

At this point, your body is successfully detoxing itself every second of the day, allowing your body to heal internally with fresh, new cell growth.

As this process continues - your symptoms begin to subside, your energy skyrockets, you think clearer, and you can feel your confidence soar as you begin to win back your health a little more, everyday.

Post-Phase (Care)


The post-care phase is where you focus on maintaining the incredible health progress you've made so far, and will continue to make.

Old damaged cells are eliminated, new, thriving cells continue to grow & replace them.

You'll transition from active detoxification to a sustainable, low-symptom, or symptom-free lifestyle.

We'll cover stress-reduction techniques and stress-management habits that keep your body in a parasympathetic state - where healing continues and your body thrives long-term.

Post-care helps keep your cortisol levels low, keeping your newly cleansed organs and rejuvenated cells functioning optimally.

Your body remains in a state of balance, efficiently processes key nutrients, and can fight off new toxins to avoid new buildup.

Your energy stays high, your mind clear, and those nagging health symptoms?

They become a distant memory.

Your new reality is maintaining youthful health, enjoying lasting vitality and daily wellbeing.

"These 3 Phases Are Critical To A Successful Flush, And Most Importantly - The Reduction Of Persistent Symptoms & The Introduction of Long-Term Vitality...

Without Each Step, The 'Detoxification' Process Fails."

- Vince Pitstick

My symptoms have almost entirely disappeared.

My mood is amazing with so much gratitude and happiness in my heart.

—Moriah G.

I felt younger!

My cystic acne, something I had been dealing with for 10 years,

disappeared within 4 days

of doing the Flush.

— Jacob B.

I'm having zero bloating

and my skin has been the best it's ever been! I'm sleeping 8-9 hours a night on my own and I wake up with so much energy. I don't think I've ever looked or felt this good.

— Kirklyn M.

When You Join The Flush, You'll Gain Immediate Access To:


Support Your 3-Phase Cellular Clean-Up With On-Demand Healing Guides & Trainings

Discover how our expertly designed flush program adapts to your unique needs and lifestyle – ensuring you get personalized guidance every step of the way – and why this tailored approach leads to better, faster results (it's like having a health coach in your pocket)...

  • Join Vince, Kristen, and Ashlyn for deep-dive video lessons showing you how to be your own detox coach.

  • 16 high-quality video lessons demonstrating the science behind the Flush in a easy-to-understand way.

  • Step-by-step instructions through each phase of the Flush system.

  • Around the clock access to your nutritionist guided meal-plan, medical-grade supplementation & lifestyle protocols.

  • 24/7 access to watch lessons or download any resource on any device.


Meet Fellow Detoxers, Form Support Groups, Hold Each Other Accountable.

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of doing the flush alone? Discover how our Flush Support Community hub transforms your detox journey. You'll connect with like-minded individuals who understand your challenges – and lean into a support network that's often the missing piece from reaching long-lasting health success.

  • Lifetime access to the Flush support community hub.

  • Connect with others committed to natural healing.

  • Weekly check-ins and progress sharing sessions with your coach.

  • Weekly Q&A calls with top functional coaches & detox experts.


Reverse Chronic Symptoms and Heal Your Body Naturally In 30 Days

The secret to fitting a life-changing health program into your busy schedule – it's all in our user-friendly app that syncs across all your devices – allowing you to track progress, earn rewards, and stay motivated on-the-go (because we know that convenience is key to sticking with any program)...

  • Easy app access, smooth integration with all technology.

  • Claim awards for achieving health milestones.

  • Stay accountable and complete your detox transformation.

  • Online interactive dashboard to take notes & track your progress so you can follow your health transformation.

And to make sure you FEEL supported and guided every step of the Flush...

You’ll get ONE Live 30-Minute

Coaching Call for FREE:


Get One Live 1:1 Call With A Certified Health Coach

If you enroll today, you'll also one live personalized flush call with a certified health coach.

This will give you undivided, 1-1 attention on your flush program, progress, and day-to-day challenges. Our team will spend 30 minutes going over anything you're stuck on so we can help you maximize the flush's healing powers so you can:

  • Troubleshoot any obstacles you might be facing.

  • Fine-tune your meal plans and supplement regimen.

  • Address specific health concerns or symptoms.

  • Get personalized tips to boost your energy and vitality.

  • Get motivation to stay on track and reach your goals.

And anything else you need help with!

These one-on-one sessions are like having a personal health detective and advocate rolled into one.

The benefits when far beyond the initial goal I had.

Something that I had been dealing with for 10 years, was disappearing in 4 days, and it was AMAZING. I was reaching out to my coach in excitement and telling her my progress. By the time I got to the second week, all of my acne was gone, all of the symptoms were gone. And we hadn't even been halfway through the flush period.

The benefits when far beyond the initial goal that I had. I felt more energized. I felt more fit. My body LOOKED more fit. And even just the overall health, I felt younger coming out the other end of it.

— Jake B.

I could literally feel the anxiety & worry melting away...

as I became more committed to the process. I'm not bloated anymore. My hormonal acne isn't here anymore. And, I don't have that blanket of anxiety constantly leaning over me. I'm able to deal with the stressors now in my life that I wasn't equipped to do before. And really this is the first time in my life, I've truly felt confident in my own skin.

Now that I've been through this process, I feel I do have the proper tools to carry me throughout this healthy lifestyle for the rest of my life and help me just maintain wellness.

— Noelle T.

I was tired of being tired. And that was the big turning point for me.

For me, the biggest difference maker has been recognizing that you don't necessarily know how much BETTER you can feel. The Flush Protocol will help you realize that very quickly. It will also help you highlight how powerful lifestyle changes can be.

You can feel better. You can wake up with energy. You can sleep with a higher quality each night for longer hours. You can be more engaged, focused, and productive. You can have better relationships because you'll have better energy for them.

— TJ

Start The Flush In Less

Than 10 Minutes From Now!

Follow these 3 simple steps...

Step 1

Reveal The 'Root Cause' Behind Your Symptoms

Once you enroll in the Flush, you'll uncover the hidden reasons for your symptom flare-ups in just minutes using our root-cause assessment.

This approach has been used on more than 10,000 people to reveal acute and chronic symptoms that have baffled doctors and medical practitioners for years.

You get the answers you've been searching for, we get the data needed to prescribe an exact, step-by-step flush protocol to remove harmful toxins from your cells and organs.

Step 2

Pinpoint Your Body's Precise Needs

After uncovering your root cause, you'll undergo a comprehensive full-body symptom analysis.

This analysis determines the severity of your symptoms, categorizing you into a low, mild, or high severity group.

Your Flush protocol will then be customized to match your exact level of severity, ensuring that toxins are flushed gently without overwhelming your system.

Step 3

Activate Your Internal 'Reset' Switch

Within 5-10 minutes, you'll receive your personalized Flush plan.

This includes custom meal plans, medical-grade supplement recommendations, and a lifestyle routine tailored just for you.

Every aspect of your Flush is designed to target your specific symptoms, based on your severity assessment and unique goals, ensuring your body can heal quickly and safely.

Join The Flush Today

Start feeling better tomorrow!

Enroll now for instant access - begin your Flush transformation in minutes!

  • Unlock the Secrets of Cellular Health:

  • 16 Eye-Opening Video Lessons

  • Dive deep into the science of the Flush, explained in a way that'll make you feel like a health insider.

  • Your Personal Health Roadmap: Root-Cause Assessment

  • Discover your body's unique needs with our comprehensive root cause assessment & full-body symptom analysis - it's like a GPS to achieve newfound health.

  • Tailored Just for You: Personalized Flush Protocol

  • Get a personalized Meal Plans, Medical-grade supplement Guide, and Lifestyle Habit protocols based on your individual severity results - no more one-size-fits-all approaches!

  • Join Our Thriving Flush Support Community

  • Gain exclusive access to dozens of resources flush resources, insider detox tips, live webinars, fun health challenges, exciting prizes, and supportive community.

  • Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips

  • Enjoy a complimentary set-up sessions with our Vidal Functional Health Coaches, - it's like having a team of expert functional health coaches on speed dial!

I'm able to be way more in tune with my body...

During the process I learned so much about functional and holistic health, and what it looked like to be really in tune with my body. I came to understand what it looks like to actually manage my stress well, and to eat enough. I walked away with a better toolbelt in general in regards to evaluating how I'm doing on a daily basis. I'm able to be way more in tune with my body and listening to what it needs.

I even got my hormones balanced to where my husband and I could start a family. I am expecting! So many blessings have come out of this program and process.

—Alli R.

For the first time in my life, at 38 years old, I'm medication free.

And to be able to say that, feel it, and to be feeling so free of all of that is such an accomplishment for myself. This is what has healed me and has helped me in my journey.

I will say, 100%, that if you are on the fence about working with Vidal and their program, that this WILL WORK. This is a program that educates, that fixes, that heals, that transforms. I cannot say enough about this program and process. Heal yourself, take time, do it, and do it right. And this is the place to be. I wish all of you the very best in your journey.


Feeling good in your own skin, and feeling healthy in your body is WORTH it.

Before starting my healing journey, I was incredibly bloated, nauseous, uncomfortable, exhausted, and overall really just miserable.

Now I feel so much better. My bloating is gone, I have regular digestion, my exhaustion is gone. And I am no longer nauseous every night before I go to bed. I feel great. My acne has even cleared up.

This protocol, although difficult, was WORTH it. I now feel like the human I'm supposed to feel like.

—Melia W.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should start the Flush?

Anyone, 18 years or older, dealing with digestive issues, metabolic resistance, slow-metabolism, low-motivation, blood sugar imbalances, chronic fatigue, brain fog, mental exhaustion, headaches, thyroid concerns or any skin irritations or issues.

How long does the flush take?

The flush gives you time to learn & be your own health advocate over 30 days.

The course material takes less than 2 hours to finish, so you can get started quickly!

You will follow your Flush protocol for around 4 weeks, but you have access to the course forever, and as you will learn, you can re-do the Flush as often as you like or if new symptoms appear overtime.

What exactly is included?

☑️ 16 Video Lessons Educating & Empowering You On The Science Behind Flush

☑️ A Health Assessment to identify your unique needs

☑️ Based on your quiz results, you get a unique Meal Plan, Supplement Recommendations, and Workout Program tailored to you!

☑️ Access to our Health Focused Community filled with *resources, flush tips + tricks, webinars, games and prizes.

☑️ TWO complimentary calls with one of our Vidal Functional Health Coaches!

Included in Your Recurring Community Subscription (optional):

☑️ Weekly education and webinars on various health topics

☑️ Ability to chat with coaches and peers to connect during your journey

☑️Giveaways, games and more!

How long is the course?

The course lasts for 101 days — that’s fourteen and a half weeks. Upon enrolling, you’ll also access five preparation sessions that will help you get ready to write.

What if I have questions or don’t understand something?

You will get access to a community of people who are also going through The Flush, or have already completed The Flush. In the community, you will be able to ask any questions you need, and quickly get answers from your peers as well as health coaches.

Do the supplements come with the course?

No, your supplements will need to be ordered separately by you. Supplements are not mandatory, but are highly recommended to get the most out of The Flush. We guide you through all of this inside.

Will my protocol be customized?

We believe it’s very important that your protocol be suited to you. Based on your symptom questionnaire, you will be given the protocol that corresponds to your score, as well as a meal plan that makes sense for you and your body.

Do you support people with dietary restrictions?

Of course. All Flush meal plans are designed to remove any inflammatory foods such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, alcohol, and coffee. If you have further allergies or restrictions, we show you how to replace foods to make your meal plan exactly perfect for you.

Is this vegan or vegetarian friendly?

Yes, we have vegan and vegetarian meal plans available. However, we do suggest following a well-balanced diet while going through the flush for best results.

Is there a return policy?

No. Since the Flush is fully customized to your specific health concerns & symptoms, it's non-refundable.